Joining a May 1 action? We’ve compiled a list of health and safety, accessibility, and Ramadan accommodations to keep in mind.
Health and Safety accommodations
- Stay home if you are sick
- Wear N95 masks if possible
- Disinfect / swap mic covers between speakers
- Don’t assume comfort levels
- Maintain social distancing
- Respect boundaries
Persons with Disabilities (PWD) accommodations
- Buses identified as accessibility buses / having passengers with accessibility needs will be given priority parking next to the south driveway entrance on the west side of Queen’s Park south lawn at the Toronto rally.
- There will be an area with folding chairs setup in front of the stage for those requiring seating.
- American Sign Language (ASL) is available for Queen’s Park rally, participants that require ASL translation at the Toronto rally, are asked to come to the designated area in front of the stage.
- There will be a mobility device accessible portable toilet located on the west driveway next to the legislature building at the Toronto rally.
Ramadan accommodations
Ramadan is a time of peace, reflection and community. Eid al-Fitr (‘the feast after the fast’) is the end of the sacred month of Ramadan and is celebrated on the sundown of either Sunday, May 1, or Monday, May 2, 2022 depending on the lunar calendar.
Please mention and centre Ramadan into any action organized for May Day, and respect the following accommodations:
- Refrain from tobacco use in crowd
- Indicate when music will be playing
- Avoid swearing, and angry slogans or chants
- Encourage Muslim activists to mention Ramadan and speak to issues impacting them
- Indicate space where people can pray and do not walk in front of anyone praying
- Be mindful of prayer time (Duhur prayer is around 1:14PM on May 1)
- Provide moment of respectful silence if speeches are during Duhur
- Provide meals to those in need in spirit of Ramadan