A list of courses, readings, videos, and podcasts on anti-racism, compiled by the OFL Workers of Colour Committee, CBTU, and the OFL.
- How to show up in BIPOC-only spaces without white centering
- Anti-Racism 101 “Crash Course”
- Digital teach-in bringing together organizers and lawyers from across the country to engage in a discussion around policing Black and Indigenous people in Canada.
- Indigenous Canada
- What white people still don’t understand, by Neil Price
- There have always been two Canadas. In this reckoning on racism, both must stand together for Indigenous people now, by Tanya Talaga
- Anti-Blackness is a public health crisis. It deserves more than lip service, by Sané Dube
- My white privilege – taking the blinders off, by Liam Paschall
- Dear white people: Here are 10 actions you can take to promote racial justice in the workplace, by Dana Brownlee
- So you now care about Black burdens? Prove it, by Shree Paradkar
- Police brutality continually treated like a ‘one-off’ in Canada, says Desmond Cole, by Padraig Moran
- The coronavirus was an emergency until Trump found out who was dying, by Adam Serwer
- Answering white people’s most commonly asked questions about the Black Lives Matter Movement, by Courtney Martin
- Who gets to be afraid in America? by Ibram X. Kendi
- White privilege: Unpacking the invisible knapsack, by Peggy McIntosh
- The intersectionality wars, by Jane Coaston
- ‘Riots,’ ‘violence,’ ‘looting’: Words matter when talking about race and unrest, experts say, by Alia E. Dastagir
- 97 things white people can do for racial justice, by Corinne Shutack
- Race, culture and diversity: A collection of articles, edited by Dr Yetunde Ade-Serrano, Dr Ohemaa Nkansa-Dwamena
- The racism that killed George Floyd was built in Britain, by Afua Hirsch
- Transgenerational consequences of racial discrimination for African American health by Bridget J. Goosby and Chelsea Heidbrink
- The systems that protect the police, by Shaila Dewan
- UN report on Canada to address anti-Black racism, by The Canadian Press
- Freedom to thrive: Reimagining safety & security in our communities, by The Center for Popular Democracy
- Check in on your Black employees, now, by Tonya Russell
- 50 reasons you might be more privileged than your coworker (that you’re not aware of), by Better Allies
- 11 anti-racist actions you can take at work – today and every day, by Michelle Garcia
- Just mercy: A story of justice and redemption, by Bryan Stevenson
- So you want to talk about race, by Ijeoma Oluo
- Biased: Uncovering the hidden prejudice that shapes what we see, think, and do, by Jennifer Eberhardt
- The skin we’re in: A year of black resistance and power, by Desmond Cole
- Me and white supremacy: Combat racism, change the world, and become a good ancestor, by Layla Saad
- I’m still here: Black dignity in a world made for whiteness, by Austin Channing Brown
- Locking up our own: Crime and punishment in Black America, by James Forman, Jr.
- Why are all the Black kids sitting together in the cafeteria?: And other conversations about race, by Beverly Daniel Tatum
- White fragility: Why it’s so hard for white people to talk about racism, by Robin Diangelo
- How to be antiracist, by Ibram X. Kendi
- The new Jim Crow: Mass incarceration in the age of colorblindness, by Michelle Alexander
- Between the world and me, by Ta-Nehisi Coates
- This book is anti-racist: 20 lessons on how to wake up, take action, and do the work, by Tiffany Jewell
- The miner’s canary: Enlisting race, resisting power, transforming democracy, by lani Guinier
- Dying of whiteness: How the politics of racial resentment is killing America’s heartland, by Jonathan M. Metzl
- My grandmother’s hands: Racialized trauma and the pathway to mending our hearts and bodies, by Resmaa Menakem
- The condemnation of Blackness: Race, crime, and the making of modern urban America, by Khalil Gibran Muhammad
- Performing antiracist pedagogy in rhetoric, writing, and communication, edited by Frankie Condon and Vershawn Ashanti Young
- How to argue with a racist: History, science, race and reality, by Adam Rutherford
- Rise, by Gina Miller
- Don’t touch my hair, by Emma Dabiri
- I will not be erased: Our stories about growing up as people of colour, edited by gal-dem magazine
- Taking up space: The black girl’s manifesto for change, by Chelsea Kwakye and Ore Ogunbiyi
- Sensuous Knowledge, by Minna Salami
- The bluest eye, by Toni Morrison
- Their eyes were watching God, By Nora Zeal Hurston
- The good immigrant, edited by Nikesh Shula
- It’s not about the burqua: Muslim women on faith, feminism, sexuality and race, edited by Mariam Khan
- Black skin, white masks, by Frantz Fanon
- Post traumatic slave syndrome: America’s legacy of enduring injury and healing, by Dr. Joy Degruy
- The wretched of the earth, by Frantz Fanon
- The sun does shine: How I found life, freedom, and justice, by Anthony Ray Hinton with Lara Love Hardin
- Divided sisters, by Kathy Russell and Midge Wilson
- They can’t kill us all: Ferguson, Baltimore, and a new era in America’s racial justice movement, by Wesley Lowery
- The end of policing, by Alex S. Vitale
- “Defund the police,” explained, Global News
- “How studying privilege systems can strengthen compassion,” Peggy McIntosh at TEDxTimberlaneSchools
- “Let’s get to the root of racial injustice,” Megan Ming Francis at TEDxRainier
- “How to overcome our biases? Walk boldly towards them,” Vernā Myers at TEDxBeaconStreet
- “How we’re priming some kids for college – and others for prison,” Alice Goffman at TED Talk
- “How to deconstruct racism, one headline at a time,” Baratunde Thurston at Ted Talk
- An interview with founders of Black Lives Matter, TEDWomen
- “Racism has a cost for everyone,” Heather C Mcghee at TEDWomen
- “How racism makes us sick,” TED Speaker at TEDMED
- “What it takes to be racially literate,” Priya Vulchi and Winona Guo at TEDWomen
- “How to get serious about diversity and inclusion in the workplace,” Janet Stovall at TED@UPS
- Video series: 10 famous Black Canadians, Pines and Maples
- “Confirmation bias in 5 minutes,” Thought Monkey
- “We cannot stay silent about George Floyd,” Patriot Act Digital Exclusive
- Robin Diangelo on “White Fragility,” Amanpour and Company
- “How we can win,” David Jones Media
- “Explained: Racial wealth gap,” Netflix
- Dr. Jennifer Eberhardt (unconscious bias), Linkedin Speaker Series
- Become an inclusive leader, Lynda Learning
- Why Defund Kingston Police? – A Labour Perspective
- The power of Martin Luther King Jr.’s anger – Codeswitch Podcast from NPR ~5 min
- Turning the lens, seeing white ~16 min
- A decade of watching Black people die – Codeswitch Podcast from NPR ~22 min
- Anger: The Black woman’s ‘superpower’ – Codeswitch Podcast from NPR ~19 min
- The limits of empathy – Codeswitch Podcast from NPR ~36 min
- Ask Codeswitch – What about your friends? ~50 min
- Small doses with Amanda Seales Podcast
- Shaping civil rights in Canada ~23 min
- You are a little bit racist
- Seeing white podcast
- Wait there’s more: The erasure of Canada’s history of anti-Black racism
- Reckoning with racial injustice in the U.S. ~63 min
- In recovery: Racism is an addiction ~61 min
- Pod save the people
- Pod for the cause podcast
- About race: Things can only get better ~25 min
- Side effects of being a Black intellectual ~90 min