Injured Workers Campaign Toolkit | The Ontario Federation of Labour

 Injured Workers Campaign Toolkit

Welcome to the injured workers campaign toolkit.

This toolkit equips you with the resources needed to urge our provincial government to provide minimum rights that will ensure just, fair, and non-discriminatory treatment for injured workers.

With this toolkit, you can take the following steps:

  1. Sign the petition: Add your name to our petition and show your support for the Injured Workers’ Bill of Rights. Share it within your networks and encourage others to add their voice, too.
  2. Spread the word on social media: Amplify our message by resharing our posts on Twitter/X, Facebook, and Instagram. Your voice matters—let’s make it heard.
  3. Share the following graphics: Download and share our graphics on your social media platforms.
    Shareable 1 and Shareable 2
    Tag @OFLabour and @ONIWG and use these hashtags to maximize visibility and impact: #ISupportInjuredWorkers, #IWBillofRights, #OnLab, #OnPoli
  4. RSVP for this panel discussion, In solidarity with Injured Workers, and join us on Tuesday, May 14 at 7:00 PM EDT via Zoom. The panel will include injured workers, Ontario labour leaders, supportive MPPs, and allies.
  5. RSVP for an Injured Workers’ day event on June 1. Promote Injured Workers’ Day events by resharing our posts on Twitter/X, Facebook, and Instagram. Tag @OFLabour and @ONIWG and use these hashtags to maximize visibility and impact: #ISupportInjuredWorkers, #InjuredWorkersDay, #OnLab, #OnPoli

    Circulate this toolkit as widely as possible.