Statement: Ontario Federation of Labour condemns attack at University of Waterloo | The Ontario Federation of Labour

Statement: Ontario Federation of Labour condemns attack at University of Waterloo

The Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) expresses deep sadness regarding the violent, hate motivated attack that took place in a Gender-Studies classroom at the University of Waterloo on Wednesday, June 28th, 2023. Our thoughts and well wishes are with the professor and two students who were hospitalized with significant injuries as a result of this incident. The OFL condemns gender-based violence, as well as all acts of violence, discrimination, and harassment. We extend our heartfelt sympathy and unite in solidarity with survivors, students, faculty, and staff members at the University of Waterloo who have been affected by this horrific incident.

Given the disproportionately high rates of violence faced by women, transgender individuals, and non-binary people, we urge the government and institutions to thoroughly assess and improve their current policies and measures aimed at preventing gender-based violence. Additionally, we call on the government to expand comprehensive support services, including counseling and advocacy, to better meet the needs of survivors. This incident serves as a reminder of the urgent need for collaborative efforts with Ontario Universities to create safer and more inclusive campuses, where safety, inclusivity, and well-being are prioritized for all individuals who access these spaces.

Everyone has the right to feel secure and empowered in their daily lives, free from the threat of violence or intimidation. We offer our unwavering support to all survivors, encouraging them to utilize available resources, seek assistance, and connect with support networks, reminding them that they are not alone.

The Ontario Federation of Labour firmly condemns gender-based violence and remains committed to advocating for a society that values and protects the rights and safety of all individuals.