Solidarity Statement: Justice for Farmers in India | The Ontario Federation of Labour

Solidarity Statement: Justice for Farmers in India

The Ontario Federation of Labour is united in solidarity with the millions of farmworkers and worker activists across India protesting agricultural reforms. For months, these workers have peacefully protested in opposition to devastating reforms that jeopardize their ability to support themselves and their families.

Farming is one of the most important sectors in the Indian economy. It accounts for more than 40 per cent of the workforce. The anti-farmer legislation deregulates agricultural markets and favours corporate interests over the interests of small food producers through measures such as the removal of minimum support pricing.

Unfortunately, these protests have been met with violence and use of force by police. This is unacceptable. We support the right to peacefully protest and condemn the use of force to silence workers’ voices. The Ontario Federation of Labour is united with workers around the world through our desire for respect and dignity for all workers. With hundreds of millions of participants these protests have grown to be the largest in history, demonstrating an unprecedented exertion of worker power and solidarity. We hope these harmful reforms are withdrawn and offer continued solidarity with those peacefully demonstrating to ensure the protections that farmers need.