Letter: The OFL and our affiliated membership are in full support of the professional workers at the Electrical Safety Authority
September 26, 2023
Josie Erzetic
President and Chief Executive Officer
Electrical Safety Authority (ESA)
Christopher Hopper
ESA Board Chair
Dear President Josie Erzetic and Chair Christopher Hopper,
I write today on behalf of the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) which represents 54 unions and more than a million workers in the province of Ontario. The OFL and our affiliated membership are in full support of the professional workers at the Electrical Safety Authority, represented by the Society of United Professionals, IFPTE 160, and that are currently on strike for a fair deal for their members.
We are mobilizing in solidarity with these striking workers, and in opposition to the Electrical Safety Authority’s failure to bargain a fair deal. As you are likely aware, free and fair collective bargaining is a Charter protected right in Canada. When workers take the courageous step to withdraw their labour during a labour dispute, they will without doubt, have the solidarity and support of organizations like ours, and increasingly, the broad and growing support of the public.
We will not sit silently while these members fight for decency and respect in their workplace.
We fully intend to join these striking members at a rally for a fair deal tomorrow during the Ontario Energy Conference, and everyday thereafter on picket lines, until a fair deal is reached at the bargaining table.
Let me be perfectly clear, our affiliated organizations representing more than one million workers, from every sector of the economy and in every corner of the province, have been informed of the failure of the Electrical Safety Authority to bargain in good faith, a fair deal with IFPTE Local 160. We are mobilizing in solidarity with these striking members, and we will only ramp up our solidarity and pressure on the Electrical Safety Authority, until a fair and equitable deal is reached that matches what other workers at your organization have already received.
I strongly urge you return to the bargaining table and reach a negotiated settlement with your professional workers.
See you both tomorrow at the Conference.
Patty Coates
President, Ontario Federation of Labour
C: Michelle Johnston, President, Society of United Professionals, IFPTE 160, OFL Executive Board,
Electrical Safety Authority Board of Directors:
Mary Anne Aldred, maryanne.aldred@nortonrosefulbright.com
Arjan Arenja, aarenja@spectrumbdi.com
Annette Bergeron, annettebergeron@gmail.com
Rhonda Barnet, rhonda.barnet@avitmfg.com
Indrani Butany-DeSouza, ibutany@elexiconenergy.com
Frank D’Andrea, frank.dandrea@HydroOne.com
Dale MacDonald, dalemacd@honeyelectric.com
Gary Oosterhof, gary@oosterhofelectric.com
Daniel Peloquin, dalemacd@honeyelectric.com
Ysni Semsedini, semsediniy@nmhydro.ca
Vivi White, vivi.white@rbc.com
Emily Larose, Emily.Larose@electricalsafety.on.ca
Sandra Montague, Sandra.Montague@electricalsafety.on.ca
David Rinaldo, David.Rinaldo@electricalsafety.on.ca