March 06, 2022 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM

After two years of a devastating pandemic, and four years of anti-worker policies, Ontario workers and their families need more than just a recovery. We need a just recovery.
That means good jobs and decent work for all workers; a $20 minimum wage; high quality affordable housing; accessible and well funded health care, long term care, education, and other public services; justice for Indigenous people and racialized communities; climate justice and a livable planet; and so much more!
These are winnable demands, but only if we fight for them. That’s why we need you to help build the fight for a workers first agenda in our province.
On Sunday, March 6, hundreds of people from every region of Ontario will take part in the Activist Assembly, a full day of strategizing, skills-building, and planning as we get ready for the province-wide day of action for a workers first agenda on May 1.
At the Activist Assembly, we will:
- Review the key issues facing Ontario workers and their families
- Learn how to use the Workers First Pledge to engage co-workers, family, and friends in hundreds of one-on-one conversations
- Discuss how to mobilize thousands of people for the province-wide day of action for a workers first agenda on May 1
- Join regional break-out groups to develop an organizing plan for May 1 in your own community
- Meet activists from across Ontario and in your community who want to be part of this growing movement
RSVP here.
Accommodation Requests: If you require accommodations such as French interpretation, ASL, or closed captioning email by Monday, February 28 @ 11:59pm.
Please specify your accommodation requirements.
What’s at stake?
Ontario workers and their families have had a tough time under Doug Ford. Things were bad long before COVID-19, but they got a lot worse when the pandemic hit.
We simply can’t afford another four years of the Ford government. We urgently need a workers first agenda in Ontario. And only a mass movement of working-class people from all over Ontario can deliver it.
But we need to get organized to win. And that’s exactly what we plan to do at the Activist Assembly on March 6.
What’s happening on May 1?
May 1, or May Day, is the traditional workers’ holiday, a day that working people celebrate the gains they have won over the years and commit to fighting for a better future for everyone. It’s also just 1 month before the June 2 provincial election.
On May 1, 2022, we will hold a province-wide day of action for a workers first agenda. We are already planning for at least 12 regional actions across Ontario, with the possibility of more to come, where we will raise the demands that matter most to working people and their communities.
The day of action will be an opportunity for all struggles for justice and a better world to come together in a united movement and show what’s possible in our province. It’s our chance to advance our vision for the Ontario we need, and mobilize to win it.
When is the Ontario election?
The Ontario election will take place on June 2, just four weeks after the May 1 day of action. Who wins the election matters to all of us.
That’s why we need you to be part of this growing movement. What we do on May 1 has the potential to affect the outcome of June 2.
If we want an outcome that’s good for working people and their communities, we need to start fighting for it now.
Join us on March 6 at the Activist Assembly, and help us make the May 1 day of action a success!