OPSEU/SEFPO LCBO workers | The Ontario Federation of Labour


On Strike since July 5, 2024

Show your solidarity by joining the picket line

Over 9,000 OPSEU/SEFPO LCBO workers went on strike as of July 5, 2024. Seventy percent of the workers in the LCBO are casual and their jobs are at risk. At stake is not only good union jobs, but the preservation of the public revenue that the LCBO brings in – $2.5 billion last year, the revenue that funds the public services every Ontarian relies on.

OPSEU /SEFPO have picket lines up 24/7 at warehouses in the following locations so please consider an evening visit to one of these locations:

  • GTA West – 2460 Standfield Road, Mississauga
  • Ottawa –1980 Bank Street Ottawa Warehouse
  • Whitby – 2000 Boundary Rd, Durham Warehouse
  • London – 955 Wilton Grove, London Warehouse

More picket locations found here, find a picket near you.

Community support is also critical:
Justice4Workers have also set up some other actions to support LCBO workers.  Tell Premier Ford that you support striking LCBO workers and want him to negotiate a deal that protects the good jobs in Ontario that fund the services Ontarians need.

Check out the J4W toolkit – and please share them with your members.

Join LCBO workers and STOP Doug Ford from giving it away to greedy billionaires, send an email to Doug Ford here.