The Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) is the voice of Ontario at work. With 54 affiliated unions representing working people from across the province, from all social, economic, and ethnic groups, over half of whom are women, we campaign for equity and equality for every Ontarian.
Together, we have the power to make real and positive change. We have an opportunity to make progress in pursuit of our shared values and to prepare for the challenges that the 21st century presents. We must not be constrained by ideas that today seem distant – like free post-secondary education or a guaranteed annual minimum income. If we wish to make possible these or any other ideas, we must provide a foundation for growth. Strong public services that bolster vibrant communities, a green economy, retirement security and affordable public child care – these are the very ideas that are inspiring and motivating communities into action.
Public budgets are a reflection of the vision and values of government. Last year’s budget delivered modest progress in responding to the needs of Ontarians. Instead of working toward a poverty-free Ontario, the government reverted to austerity and short-sighted privatization plans that would actually grow inequality, rather than reduce it. Across a variety of key measures, including income transfer payments, access to affordable housing, childcare and social support for our most vulnerable citizens, average Ontarians have slid backwards and are worse off today.
The OFL values its role in shaping public policy. When policy is developed without input from labour, the struggles of working people across the province are rarely considered a priority. The recommendations listed herein provide direction to reverse the trend of growing inequality and to make a real difference in the lives of all Ontario workers.
The OFL envisions a prosperous and productive Ontario, built on values of equality, fairness and progress for all. A benchmark of our success will be our ability to lift up those least fortunate among us, to elevate our economy, our society, and our collective fortunes to new levels. This requires everyone, including corporations, to contribute their fair share to maintaining and building a better Ontario. The Ontario Budget 2016 presents an opportunity for the Government of Ontario to make real change, to prepare Ontarians for the next great leap forward. We must shift our thinking away from defending the jobs we have, and towards creating the jobs we deserve.
The government must provide the public services required for healthy and vibrant communities to flourish. Together, labour, government and business must nurture the economy, ensuring to value the contribution of working people, make our province truly accessible, stimulate responsible growth and create – the Ontario We Want.
Click Download the OFL Pre-Budget Submission to download the full OFL Pre-Budget Submission.