Through 2017, the tireless work of labour and community activists across Ontario made changes to Bill 148. That work means that the Labour Relations Act now:
- Allows workplaces with the same employer and same union at one or more locations to bargain together in cases where the employer and union agree;
- Allows newly certified workplaces to combine with other existing unionized workplaces with the same employer and same union;
- Removes language that denied workers continued representation by their own union and undermined their right to choose their own bargaining agent;
- Provides early access to workplace information (i.e., employee names, phone numbers, and personal email addresses and in some cases, job title and business address) — provided the union has 20 per cent membership support;
- Extends card-based certification to three additional sectors (i.e., temporary help agency industry, building services sector, and home care and community services industry);
- Allows workers to vote to join a union outside the workplace, including electronically and by telephone;
- Provides automatic access to first collective agreements in cases where employers contravene the Labour Relations Act;
- Removes rigorous requirements to consider whether a second vote is likely to reflect workers’ true wishes and whether a union has adequate membership support in cases where employers contravene the Labour Relations Act;
- Provides unionized workers with greater just cause protection from employers who seek to “clean house” following a union organizing campaign and a strike/lockout;
- Protects the right of employees to return to work, following a lawful strike or lockout;
- Extends protections against contract flipping to workers in the building services industry (e.g., security, food services, and cleaning) with the possibility of extending such protections to publicly-funded services; and,
- Ensures that all new protections under the Labour Relations Act come into effect as of January 1, 2018.
Read more best of 2017:
Best of 2017 – 12 ways we organized to win
Best of 2017 – 12 wins for workers in the Labour Relations Act
Best of 2017 – 14 ways we worked together for equity in 2017