An announcement from Janice Folk-Dawson, OFL Executive VP
Dear Comrades:
In November, I will have spent four incredible years as Executive Vice-President of the Ontario Federation of Labour.
Serving as an officer of Ontario’s house of labour has been one of the greatest honours of my life. I will always be grateful to my union, CUPE, and to the members who elected me to this office. Their support has afforded me the opportunity to play a role in building our movement and to help steer the OFL through some hard and testing times.
The labour movement and the cause of working people run deep in my veins. Always know, comrades, that no matter what the future holds, I will continue to be in solidarity with our movement to achieve justice and fairness for working people.
As the OFL readies itself for new leadership and new challenges, I am exploring new avenues for my advocacy of workers’ rights to equality and a higher standard of living, and to new ways of making my personal contribution to the labour movement I cherish and will always support.
During the remainder of my term, I assure all of you that my work and projects with OFL committees will continue on: Pensions; Apprenticeships and Training; Health and Safety; Persons with Disabilities; Workers Compensation Board; First Nations, Métis and Inuit Circle; and with Labour Councils.
I look forward to assisting the leadership transition and embracing the changes ahead.
Peace and Solidarity,

Executive Vice-President
Ontario Federation of Labour