Your Vote is Not For Sale
Doug Ford is sending one-time $200 cheques to every Ontario-even billionaires. Life under Ford has only become harder and more expensive. Ontarian’s won’t be fooled by one-time cheques. What could $3 billion have done in your community?
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- Provide relief to 8,920 households on the social housing waitlist.
- Build over 2000 affordable units to address the housing crisis.
- Reduce long-term care delays.
- Hire 1674 regulated nurses.
- Hire 65 family doctors.
- Download Durham region printable outreach material here.
- Download Durham region ready to send graphic email here<. Download Durham region carousel graphics.
- Help over 100 families get affordable homes.
- Recruit family doctors for over 13,000 residents without care.
- Take over 1500 kids off the wait-list for autism funding.
- Will be able to hire 514 nurses for a year.
- Hire 47 family doctors.
- Build 163 new long-term care beds to reduce hallway healthcare.
- Hire 1,170 new front-line nurses.
- Build 212 affordable housing units.
- Save public transit system from flawed public-private partnership.
- Build 122 new long-term care beds to reduce hallway healthcare.
- Build 163 new long-term care beds to reduce hallway healthcare.
- Build 188 affordable housing units for London families.
- Rehire the 157 education workers cut from Thames Valley School Board.
- Address repair issues for 97 schools.
- Provide relief for 11,396 households on the social housing waitlist.
- Provide affordable homes for 400 families.
- Provide support for 3200 kids on the autism funding waitlist.
- Hire 1148 healthcare workers to address the staffing crisis.
- Hire 128 family doctors to serve 162,818 residents without care.
- Provide relief for 77,351 people who accessed food banks a total of 470,017 times.
- Build 294 new long-term care beds to reduce hallway healthcare.
- Compensate 2,108 new front-line nurses for one full year.
- Restore the $500K funding that was cut from the Homelessness Prevention Team.
- Connect 10,000 patients without primary care to a family doctor.
- Hire 382 new front-line nurses.
- Address repair issues for 36 schools.
- Recruit family doctors for over 33,000 residents without a primary care provider.
- Help 1000s of families waiting for social housing find stable homes.
- Support 1 in 5 families experiencing food insecurity.
- Provide support to over 1,000 children on the waitlist for autism funding.
- Build 931 new long-term care beds to ease hallway healthcare.
- Provide Autism funding to 18,629 kids.
- Provide affordable homes for 1183 families.
- Maintain schools, including replacing roof panels similar to those that caused the closure of Ontario Place.
- Recruit 27 family doctors for 34,305 residents without care.
- Provide relief for 7,300 households on the social housing waitlist.
- Address food insecurity affecting 1 in every 10 children.
- Able to afford annual compensation of 944 additional nurses.