Kitchener-Hespeler Labour and Community Canvass
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February 10, 2025 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM 100 Rittenhouse Rd

Join us as we knock on doors for Kitchener-Hespeler ONDP MPP candidate Jeff Donkersgoed!
We’ll be having real conversations with workers, neighbours, and community members about what’s at stake in this election. These canvasses are a chance to connect, listen, and mobilize for candidates who will fight for public services, good jobs, fair wages, and an affordable life.
When: Monday, February 10 from 3:00 PM
Where: 100 Rittenhouse Rd, Kitchener N2E 2M9
Each conversation moves us one step closer to a government that puts working people first. Whether you’re knocking on doors for the first time or a seasoned canvasser, join us. RSVP, bring a friend, and get out the vote.
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