Enough is Enough

Join the fight! WeSayEnough.ca

Fed up with the rich getting richer, while workers struggle to get by?

We are, too. And we’re done waiting.

We’re taking action in communities across Ontario. Because enough is enough.

Here are our demands:


As the cost of living increases, wages are staying the same. Here’s what we need to do:

  • Raise the minimum wage to $20 an hour.
  • Permanently repeal Bill 124, the legislation cutting the pay of public sector workers.
  • End poverty wages across the board.
  • Double Ontario Disability Support Program and Ontario Works rates.
  • Restore and expand decent work laws, including Paid Sick Days and equal pay for equal work.
  • Make it easier for workers to join a union.


Everyone deserves accessible health care and education. We won’t let our public services be sold off for profit.

  • Stop the privatization of our health care.
  • Stop short-changing education.
  • Eliminate user fees.
  • Properly fund all our public services.
  • End the staffing crisis in health care.
  • Slash tuition fees at college and university.
  • Ensure affordable and accessible child care.
  • Treat public sector workers with dignity and respect.


It’s what we need to survive. We shouldn’t have to struggle to afford it.

  • End the price gouging by grocery stores and oil and gas corporations.
  • Impose price caps on groceries, fuel, and basic goods.
  • Pass a Right to Food law that guarantees universal free school meals.
  • Make sure every community has access to healthy and affordable groceries.
  • Make transit free and accessible.
  • Tax the profits of food and oil giants.


Everyone deserves a place to live. We’re ready to win that.

  • Pass real rent control and a Tenants’ Bill of Rights.
  • Launch a province-wide public housing program that builds decent homes in every community.
  • Build housing in a sustainable manner, and without threatening the environment or the Greenbelt.
  • Cap mortgage payments as inflation rates rise.
  • Stop evictions and foreclosures.
  • Create commercial rent control for small businesses.
  • House those without housing instead of policing them.


We all have to pay our fair share. Especially banks and big corporations.

  • Tax the record profits of the banks and the corporations.
  • Make the wealthiest 1% pay their fair share and restore tax rates for the highest earners.
  • End the tax breaks and tax loopholes for banks and corporations.
  • Impose fines on banks and corporations that fail to pay unpaid tax.

Ready to join us? wesayenough.ca

Download the campaign resources here.

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